Naturally Connected: When we recognize and experience our deep connection to nature, our behaviors towards it and with it change naturally. Our connection is the key. We honor the relationships between people and nature and the mutual benefit to both.   Nature nourishes us, and we can nourish nature and each other through nature. Our programs and resource guide connects people and nature in a variety of settings to deepen this vital relationship.

Community Member Led Efforts: We support participant leaders to educate and provide opportunities and experiences for connection, appreciation, regeneration, remediation, and the health benefits of our relationship with nature.

Collaboration & Partnership: We work with local & regional experts, schools and municipal leaders to pilot new approaches and practices and to share and enjoy common natural resources. We know that we will be more effective at recognizing and nourishing our relationship with nature when we do it together and weave it into everything we do.

Shared Responsibility: Along with our regional neighbors, we share responsibility and commitment for increasing our residents’ connection to, understanding of, benefit from and contribution to the land.  We aspire to bring more resources and mutually committed partnerships to the education and programs we manage to generate that shared experience for all ages.

Community: We are dedicated to creating positive actionable opportunities for West Milford’s leaders, businesses, volunteers and families to nourish their relationship with nature and each other. We aspire to partner with schools and local community organizations to provide meaningful long-term programs that offer a healthy and meaningful relationship with nature and each other.

Equality & Tolerance: We actively seek to identify and challenge our inherent biases to ensure that our organization and the programs it supports reflects the community we contribute to and fully integrates and honors both the human and natural world’s voice and views.